Friday, August 24, 2007

Living in New England = Seeing My Friends!

About two weeks ago, I went to the Cape for four days to hang out with Kate and crew while Lisa was in New York. Much fun (and some insanity) was had. Observe:

Kate and I on the whale watching expedition, pre-feeling pukey. The ride out was great, the ride back was fine. The sitting still while the waves tossed us about? Not so much. Even talking about it later still made us queasy. But at least we saw a few whales!

Loek in the new shirt I brought for him. I also brought them homemade chocolate chip cookies, but Gus helped himself to those.

A really cool big sailboat thingy (I'm sure that's the technical term) we saw while riding the ferry back from the Vineyard. It was just so New England.

While we were lounging about on the beach at the Vineyard, Kateo (who had come down for the weekend) was reading to me from The Big House, by George Howe Colt. It was so interesting and appropriate that I requested it from the library when I got home. It came today, but I may have to wait to start it, since I seem to be reading about five other books at the moment. Isn't that just the story of my life? On the upside, I'm still keeping pace to finish 52 books by the end of the year. It's good to have goals.

Oh, and before I forget, the highlight of the weekend was Loek's new word: "poop" (said in a sweet, tiny, high-pitched voice, as one might say 'oops' to a similarly small child). I don't know about Loek, but it's totally my new favorite word of his. Now if only we could get him to say "Bunnie." I guess we'll keep working on that one next trip.

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