Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Life in the Country

As promised, here are pictures of Mom's house in South Hadley, where we've been staying for the past two weeks.

This is the front, with hydrangea bushes that are now turning blue!

Here's the side by the driveway, including the windows into the little random hallway (opposite the one Finn and Loek like).

This is the back of the house, including the open sliding glass door into the kitchen, and on the right, the hallway of windows that lead to the garage. At the moment, I'm sitting in the kitchen, looking out to where I stood to take this picture yesterday.

These are the flowering vines that live at the back of the garage.

And here's a close-up of the little birdie houses that are above them! We hear birds constantly, so I guess they like their condos.

See? They're blue! They're blue! Happiness is easy to come by, in my world...

Our First Visitors!

I've been a blog slacker due to the big move, but now I'm in Western Mass (and have pictures to prove it!). When we first got here, Kate and Loek (aka: the cutest munchkin in the world) came to visit.Loek and Finn both like the hallway with the windows.

(Note Loek's Bunnie shirt - Kate's getting him started early on (mis) learning my name!)

Loek also likes his Lamby (which he carries with him, particularly when he's sleepy) and frozen yogurt (which he wears on his face).

But he's particularly fond of his Mommy's shoes...

It's a good thing she doesn't wear heels!

Next: pictures of my mommy's house (where we're staying)!